Friday, July 1, 2011

A Real Baby For Once??

One of these days (hopefully before the babies come) I'm going to have a NORMAL dream about being pregnant that results in the birth of an actual normal human baby.

I had a few dreams that I was pregnant before I actually was, but usually woke up before I had the baby.  Since I've been pregnant, I've had several dreams, especially recently, where I actually had the baby, or usually more accurately, the twins, only..... they aren't exactly.... well... human.  You see, I've had dreams ranging from giving birth to dolls to kittens.  Usually dolls.  Although, I do have a vague memory of a dream where I woke up in a dirt hut after a huge earthquake that basically demolished the entire world, to find that I had been in a coma for three months and had given birth to triplets... only they were all the size of a coke can despite being three months old and totally healthy- then I woke up.

Last night was the closest that I've come. I dreamed that I had a doctors appointment, and she said they had to be delivered that day, so I checked in and needed to have a c-section (normal so far), only they had to put me to sleep for the procedure, and for some reason my husband wasn't there (getting a bit strange). Anyway, I woke up in my bed at home (definitely strange) which was supposed to be the hospital I guess.  The nurse came in with the babies and handed me the boy who had lots of dark brown hair (normal though not expected!), and I looked over at the girl who had really deep red hair (hmm.. strange, but at least they're real live babies!!).  Anyway, I walked to the top of the stairs, and yelled for my husband to come up and see them. By the time he got upstairs and walked into the bedroom, the babies had turned into 10 year old kids, who stood there staring at us like- who are you? I don't remember what the girl looked like, but the boy had apparently changed ethnicity, and was now black with a HUGE afro (Um, definitely not normal anymore).  I was instantly convinced that the doctor had gotten my husbands sperm mixed up with someone else's.  More than anything I was pissed that they were only babies for about 2 minutes, and started thinking about the nursery, about how after all the work that went into it, it would now have to be redone without being used, and about what we were going to do with all the baby stuff.  Then I woke up.

Weird, I know. Then I proceeded to fall asleep again and have another dream where I was put to sleep, had a c-section, woke up and went shopping, apparently forgetting that I had just had babies! *sigh*.  One of these days I tell ya!  On the other hand, my husband woke up one morning and told me that he knew what the babies looked like because he had a dream that HE had given birth to them (well, had a c-section) and saw what they looked like!!!

Anyway, I guess it's been a couple weeks since the last official belly shot, so here it is at 29 weeks and 4 days.  Oh, at my doctors appt. on Wednesday, I found out that I'm measuring at 35 weeks- yikes!

 I seem to be outgrowing my trusty "picture outift"! The top is barely covering the full panel completely!


  1. Your dreams crack me up..... especially the one of your husband giving birth! I have only had one birth dream.... and it was wierd as well.... the babies looked nothing like me or my husband! Wow measuring 35 weeks.... do you know how big your twins are measuring? You look great...... its pretty amazing what the human body is capable of doing.

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog! Interesting that my doctor never has mentioned that contractions are normal with twins! The weird part is that I never have felt them before Friday, now I do all the time!

    I'm measuring huge too, which is why I think my body thinks we have a full term baby in there... hence the shrinking cervix! Have you had yours checked recently? I'm hoping to hang on a little longer. Its crazy how fast things change!

    You look great! All belly!!!
