Thursday, February 24, 2011

11 wks 2 days

 The past two weeks seems to have flown by, and yesterday we had our 11w2d appointment.  LOVE our new doctor! She spent about an hour with us, just talking with us about everything we might expect with twins, answering our questions, going over lab results etc. etc.  She is seriously the nicest doctor I have ever had. OH, I also had my very first abdominal ultrasound! Bye bye dildo cam! The twins have grown so much, arms and legs flying, and they were literally kicking off the walls and bouncing from one side to the other- crazy!  She told my husband to turn on the video on his phone so he could record it, if we had known we would have bought a real camera!

And here they are... First, baby A with a fist up by the face either waving or saying "No pictures please"!

And, both of them together- Baby B on the left is lying on his back, top of head to camera and LONG legs in the air- love the little feet! Baby A is not in focus.

This is the first decent one of them together, granted A is not in focus, but still!  She says they look great, and are totally separate from each other which is a really good sign. One is higher up in my uterus, and one is further down (although in this pic they look right next to each other)  She says I am a bit anemic already so she wants me to start taking extra iron supplements, also extra calcium. Previously I had only been told to take extra folic acid- 1400mcg. 

Last week I went in to get blood work done, and they seriously took like 7 vials! Today the doctor told me she was scheduling me for even more, to test things like liver and kidney function, as well as a glucose tolerance test- yikes!

Next up, NT scan next week- this makes 5 ultrasounds in 7 weeks! Can't wait to see my babies again! I'll post some belly pics soon- I've been taking them every week in the same place in the same outfit.  Unfortunately you can't see much of a difference between the weeks just yet...

Monday, February 7, 2011

9 Weeks

Finally! Our nine week ultrasound. 75 degrees and sunny, and Hubs decided to work from home so that he wouldn't be rushing to and from work all day.

I have to admit, it was slightly surreal sitting in the "normal" OB's office, surrounded by pregnant couples and kids. A stark difference from the quiet and sullen mood of the infertility clinic surrounded by other infertile and childless couples.  The OB office seems like such a strange world to me, I feel like I have abandoned my home at the infertility clinic, and the other couples that I had a kinship with, for a world of pregnant people where I still feel like I don't quite fit in.

 We met with a NP who told us that for the rest of the pregnancy we would be seen by a doctor, as NP's don't deal with twins.  We did the ultrasound, and my, how they have grown!  I have to admit, the ultrasound machine was pretty crappy, and the pictures are terrible. There is only one decent one of Twin A (of course), and even that is pretty much just an outline.  I sent it to my mom and she said  "Wow, that's a really bad picture".  Oh well.

All in all the appointment went pretty well, UNTIL, my husband asked her something about her opinion on waiting till after the first trimester to tell people (he's having a hard time not telling the world), and the nurse replied that she would wait. Then she said that most miscarriages happen between week 9 and 12.  I mean seriously, that is NOT something you want to be telling someone like me!  Just as I was starting to feel confident in this pregnancy at nine weeks!

We scheduled a nuchal screening for next week- primarily because it lets me get another ultrasound in- a high tech one at that, and I'll gladly take any chance to see my babies that I can get!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jumping the gun and baby brain

Last week I woke up, and found my husband crib shopping online.  I don't mean getting ideas for cribs, I literally mean, he wanted to go out and buy cribs last week, at barely 7 1/2 weeks.  My mother has also told me that she now has no life, because she is spending every waking moment looking up baby/twin stuff.  This makes me a little bit freaked out.  Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that they're so optimistic, but I'm I'm still scared.  I just feel like it's still so early, definitely too early to be crib shopping.  Some days I still can't believe that it is all happening, and find myself freaking out on a regular basis about things that could go wrong, like disappearing twin syndrome. Then I read books about symptoms I should have by now at 8 weeks, like darkening nipples, weight gain,  pants getting tight etc. especially with twins, and I am not having any of these. Yes, I know some people have few to no symptoms, but it still worries me.

I actually got into a mini argument with my hubby a few days after the crib incident when I found him mapping out and measuring the babies room.  I told him that I thought he was jumping the gun, and that we should not be doing any of these things yet,  but then instantly felt really selfish for trying to put a damper on his excitement.  It makes me so happy to see how exited he is, and perhaps I am scared partly because it would break my heart to see his heart break if anything were to go wrong.  Maybe I'm also just jealous of his optimism.

On a lighter note, I had a MAJOR case of baby brain! So I somehow got it into my head that my appointment with the new OB was this week Monday.  Mind you, I have had two appointment notices sitting on the table for exactly two weeks saying February 7th in big bold letters, and look at them at least once a day!  Lucky for me I happened to be online looking at some of my past doctors visit info on Monday morning, mere hours before the supposed appointment, when I clicked on the link for "upcoming appointments" and noticed the date! Of course I had to call my husband and tell him that I had the wrong week, and not to show up at the doc's office! Then I had to explain the situation to my parents and in-laws when they called asking how it went... how embarrassing! I suppose it could have been worse though- we could actually have showed up and had them tell us "Um, I think you have the wrong week.." Oh, also,  I was at the supermarket and when it was time to enter my preferred number (my phone number I've had for 6 years), as I do at least twice a week,  it totally took me about 10 seconds to think of it.. I actually started punching in 1-800!

Oh well, the good news is that we're almost half way through the week already! By next Monday, our real appointment day, I will be 9 weeks! Two thirds of the way done with the first trimester!