Friday, March 23, 2012

Bye Bye Nap Time!

The twins have been pros at sitting up for almost a month now, but the thing that they have been having a hard time with was actually GETTING into the sitting up position from lying down or crawling position... Well, they've been working pretty hard at it this week, and Mia finally seems to be getting the hang of it in the past day or so.  BUT this morning as I watched the monitor as I put them down for a nap, I saw something new- she did it in her crib!!! I grabbed the camera to catch it on film- notice how exited she is!  Of course I didn't realize the implications on the whole napping situation...Lets just say only Ben took his early morning nap today!  I'm curious to see how long it takes her to go to sleep now...

Also, we are apparently going to need to relocate our video monitor! I have the cribs set up end to end with the camera attached between them as it can pan between the two cribs so that we only need one.  I THOUGHT I had it attached securely.... Mia was quite thrilled to finally get her hands on that little green light she's been curious about for months!   She has also pulled herself to standing a few times this week, so I'm sure this will be her next crib trick and the mattress will be getting lowered again!

Friday, March 9, 2012

7 Months Old

This past month has got to be my favorite so far (I'm pretty sure I'm gonna say that every month though!). Four big things have happened- sitting up, teeth, solids and sleep.

As of 2/28 each baby has 2 teeth!! Mia was feeling a bit left out with all the attention Ben got with his first tooth and decided to play catch up- she cut her first tooth a whole week after he did, but cut the second only two days after him- a new household record of 3 days for two teeth! It's quite funny to hear the little teeth scraping on their toys.  Ben has also become OBSESSED with biting his toes- the kid is a maniac!



They have been sitting up for about 2.5-3 weeks now.  No more tripod sitting wobbly stuff, or me worrying that they'll topple over- oh no, completely stable I tell you. I think this has been my favorite milestone so far, as they are just so much happier now that they can sit on their own. They seem so independent! In fact, they are now getting up on her hands and knees and trying to crawl! They don't even want to be in the exersaucer jumper anymore- just too much confinement I suppose!

I want what you have!

Now what?

Well, the milk strike is over.  I was worried that breast milk was going to  take over my entire freezer, but they finally decided that they would start drinking an acceptable amount again! I'm still making all of their food. They've been eating rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, sweet potatoes, avocados, carrots, peas (much to their dismay), squash, apples, bananas, peaches, prunes and mangoes! I've also been making my own rice cereal and oat cereal too by grinding it in a coffee grinder- They usually tolerate it, but I think they'd rather I stick to the box stuff!

Two things I love- Bibbity bibs and Munchkin fresh food feeders!

We have been SO very lucky, as they have always been pretty good night sleepers. Especially considering that for 5.5 months they exclusively drank breast milk, which typically means not such great sleep.  They used to sleep from 7:30 till about 3:30-4.  Now that they have started solids, they sleep from 7 till 6:15!!!! I just realized that daylight savings starts this weekend... Does this mean that our bedtime routine will now have to start at 7:30 instead of 6:30?

Mia's preferred sleeping position (who knew you'd want to snuggle with something that has tags all over it?? turns out twirling them is how she puts herself to sleep!)

I had to give in and buy Ben a bigger woombie- we just can't get him to sleep without the darn thing! 

Getting pushed by Grandma who came all the way from Minnesota to visit! Crazy 80 degree weather this weekend!