Sunday, March 13, 2011


I have seriously been working on this post for almost a week now. For some reason I can only seem to get out a few lines at a time before losing motivation! I keep having to change all the dates as the days have gone by...

Anyway.....I'm now 14 weeks- shouldn't I be starting to feel better? Sure I haven't thrown up or had your typical "morning sickness", but I have seriously felt like absolute crap every single day thus far.  I feel extremely weak all the time, just standing up or walking up the stairs sends my heart racing and I feel like I could collapse.  I also feel as though I am now living atop Mt. Everest because it feels as if there is not enough oxygen in the air, so I feel as if I am slowly suffocating.  Don't even get me started about the headaches!! EVERY DAY last week.  The doctor told me at my last visit that I am anemic, which would explain a lot of this.  I have been taking extra iron supplements, but according to my blood work on Wednesday I still am.  I did buy some new iron supplements that are a much higher dose, but so far I feel no different.

 My appetite is still also not back- let me rephrase- I am totally hungry, I still just don't want to eat.  Or at least, I just don't want to eat anything in my house, or anything really healthy which still baffles me since I've always been so health conscious.  At this point I'm pretty much forcing the food down. I also feel as though I'm not gaining enough weight. What I didn't realize, is apparently the rules are totally different with twins. With one baby you can gain anywhere from 20-70 lbs and still have a 7lb baby.  With twins, I need to gain between 40-50 lbs, and by 28 weeks I am supposed to have gained like 30 lbs.  Supposedly it is very crucial with twins to gain the weight early on, with 28 weeks being the deadline. I guess it was previously a common notion that with twins you just gain an extra 10lbs- but apparently after many studies they have found that this is totally not the case.  SO now for the first time in my life I actually want to gain weight, but for the first time in my life food (my food) isn't appetizing- how ironic.

Speaking of food- I woke up last week in the middle of the night hungry, and decided to go downstairs and get some food. I totally slipped and fell down like 3 stairs and landed SO hard on my butt!  I still have a big black bruise.  I was totally convinced for days that I had somehow hurt or dislodged my babies- in fact, I'm still not totally convinced that I didn't do some damage- good thing I have a doctors appointment this week!

On to happier things... It is still sinking in that we're having a boy and a girl! To be honest, I still have some doubts, despite how positive the doctor was at the NT scan. I just feel as if 12 weeks is SO early!  BUT, as of right now, I'm choosing to believe, and we've been talking about bedroom logistics and other such fun stuff! It's hard to believe that in a couple weeks I'll be 4 whole months!! Yikes!

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