There are some things that you should not get via email- for example- LAB RESULTS! Especially when they are not explained. So I sit here, staring at the screen, thinking that this whole scenario and solution that we have going may just have been thrown out the window- but I'll have to sit here agonizing until our doctors appointment on Thursday when we find out for sure what this all means.
I suppose it's my fault- I signed up with my insurance on line, and they promptly sent me the results for my blood work- well, not the complete results, just the part where they said that it was positive for reubella- thats GERMAN MEASLES people! Now, I'm pretty sure that I don't have german measles, and I also know for a fact that I have had the vaccine. After exploring this on line, I found that it could have been positive because I have the antibodies in my blood from said vaccine, which I guess is a good thing....
SO I then decided that I needed to sign my husband up on line- who knows what test results he may have for my viewing? A few clicks later, he is all signed up, and VOILA! He has test results for the semen analysis! I can hardly contain my excitement, as I am sure that the previous diagnosis will be confirmed- and we will head off on our ICSI adventure.... But wait!! What's this?? It seems that everything is NORMAL? Maybe better than normal?? This can't be! This has to be wrong! How does one do from 0% normal sperm to 40%???? The main reason that this can't be is becuse it could mean that the problem is, well, ME???? On a side note, I must say that the results did not exactly SAY that everything was normal- but that is what I interpreted it to mean after staring at a bunch of numbers. I have to say I'm pretty bad at math, so maybe this was not wise on my part...
Needless to say, the wait for our appointment on Thursday is more agonizing than ever. The Kreuger results were not there, so I guess you could only say I only saw half of the results, and who knows? Maybe I just got it all wrong? Now I do feel kind of bad for hoping for a bad result for my husband and his "boys". I do however feel that it would be a much larger problem if it was me who had the problem, me who could not get pregnant.
So, I will wait till Thursday, and try not to drive myself crazy thinking up a whole new set of worst case scenarios. I do know that I will not be checking any more lab results on line! Well..... I'll at least THINK about not checking them....
Oh, and sorry for all the caps!
Beef Barley Soup
1 hour ago
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