Thursday, October 20, 2011

You've got to be kidding me!!!

Um, I think I got my period. WTF!  After the c-section I bled for almost two months, but it stopped about 2 weeks ago- then all of a sudden this morning- blood!  It's not super heavy, but my periods have always been really light anyway.  Here I was thinking that I would be period free until I stopped BFing, whenever that was!  Because of the twins crazy schedules I only manage to pump every 4-5 hours, at night maybe 6.  This works out fine because I typically get about 10 ounces total per pumping session, occasionally 12 ounces if it's been 6 hours.  I did read that if you pump/ bf less frequently your period may come back sooner, but I never thought it would be this soon!  With the post c-section bleeding I've only had 2 weeks free of bleeding in the past 10 weeks!  Maybe if I can manage to pump more often it will go away again?? Or when they are able to keep up with my fast letdown and I can stop pumping and start BFing again??  Is this possible??  Can it go away again??

On a happier note- last night Ben slept from 9:30-4:30!!! Of course Mia was up at 1:30, but it's progress!  New favorite thing? The Woombie!! They both sleep so well in it, and its so much easier than having to wrap them up when they are sleeping/falling asleep which inevitably wakes them up, AND it also unzips from the bottom for easy diaper changes- LOVE!

Emerging from her cocoon! 


  1. Ugh, what an unfortunate surprise for you! I have no clue if it goes away again, but for your sake I hope it does. We LOVE the Woombie! It is so much easier at night than the blanket swaddle. We had to get the Houdini version because Will can wiggle his way out of a straight jacket:)

  2. Sorry about your unwelcome visitor.... hopefully it didn't stay too long! I have been looking to either buy large swaddling blankets or the woombie.... i think you convinced to try the woombie. They look so happy and snug :)
    Just curious ... since you have done both. Do you think that is easier to pump and give bottles or is it easier to bf?
