Monday, February 13, 2012

Belly Sleeping

While Ben is still happily sleeping swaddled, on his back, happy as a clam, Miss Mia has decided that in light of the fact that she is now 6 months old, sleeping in her own room, in he own crib, that she is all grown up and should sleep on her belly!  This all started a couple nights ago, when as I watched the monitor, I saw her roll over on to her belly while swaddled! The next night I only zipped her woombie halfway up, and left her arms out... by midnight she had completely kicked it off and was on her belly.  That was pretty much the last time she slept on her back- as soon as I put her in her crib now, she immediately flips over. Now I know that you are not supposed to put a baby to sleep on their belly before 1 year, but the doctor said that once they do it on their own there really isn't anything you can do.

It kind of freaks me out, and I watch the monitor compulsively whenever she is sleeping, BUT... are you ready for this??? Naps are now a piece of cake for her!! My life just got SO much easier! Ben doesn't give too much trouble going down for a nap, but it used to be an absolute nightmare getting Mia to take a nap! Now that she can flip herself over it's although a whole new world has opened up to her, and she can sleep on her own terms! She now goes to sleep within about 5 minutes of putting her down, literally laughs and plays herself to sleep- it's AMAZING!!!  Also, she now loves tummy time! My husband told me that I seem much less stressed these days... why? All because of a little girl who no longer has sleep issues!  Excuse me while I go knock on wood!

How I put her to bed (no not upside down, it won't rotate!)

How she wakes up


  1. That's awesome! So glad life got easier! She is a sweet, sweet baby doll!

  2. Look at that little butt up in the air!! So cute! I wonder when Chloe will get the hang of rolling over, she still seems to have no interest. And I'm glad to hear that you have two good sleepers on your hands now.

  3. I am so glad that she found her happy position! Hopefully she continues to sleep for you. Isn't it amazing how much better you when you feel after a decent amount of sleep! Your babies are so darn cute!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog. That's so cool that our 5 are so close in age! :-)

    I've got a belly-sleeper too and it scared me at first bc she also likes to bury her head straight down into her mattress, but the ped told me it was fine to leave her that way (as long as nothing was in the way that could cover her mouth). She seems to sleep better too.
